5:15 PM
Happy Canada Day!
5:03 PM
July 2009 Golden Bonuses Released! Madsquatch, Sea Horsee, (purple) peacock, Zeebra and Pomeranian Puppee.

Me Madsquatch. Me grumpy. Me no likey most fluffs because they no understand me. Me raging. Me not cute don’t call me cute me very very mean. Maybe me wants friends. Maybe me wants love but no no no me don’t likey nobody. Grr. Adopt me?

Sea Horsee likes to zip, zam, zoooom around the ocean with his bestest (fluff) friend, Sea Turtle. Opposites clearly attract, because sea horsee is a ball of watery energy while his turtle buddy likes to chillax. When he’s not working on some sort of silly prank to play on daulphins, he can usually be found in the kitchen, scarfing down opera cake and (fluff) flakes.

(purple) peacock is the oldest sibling of the peacock clan. She is down-to-earth and enjoys spending time with friends and seeking out little hole-in-the-wall food joints to spend weekend evenings. She spends little time at home, because between her brother’s prankster ways and her sister’s superiority complex, the house gets crowded easily.

Pomeranian puppee does not like to be wet, dirty, messy, sweaty or annoyed. Therefore, she spends most of her time sitting on one place, preening in a mirror, admiring the gorgeous ball of fluff that she is. She does not have time for silly things like going to work, hitting the gym or partying. Her favorite possessions are her cell phone and her Manolo heels.
5:12 PM
6:04 PM
New Foods Released! (black) and (red) licorice.

People love candy, and so do (fluffs). See what your pet thinks about our two new foods: (red) and (black) licorice.

4:42 PM
Lost Sock Art Contest has launched!
5:54 PM
5:07 PM
5:10 PM
5:14 PM
New Decorations Released! (wood), (sunset) and (teal) surfboards.
5:09 PM
New Habitat Released! Tropical Sunset.
5:53 PM
New Decorations Released! Tiki Party Hat and Ukulele

A party isn't a party without music! Bring a musical (fluff) to the party to play the ukulele and don this sweet tiki party hat.

5:26 PM
New Food and Decorations Released! Coconut Drink, Grass Skirts and Straw Hats.

5:02 PM
New Habitat Released! Luau Party.
5:19 PM
5:08 PM
New Theme Released! Tiki Party.

5:03 PM
New Decorations Released! (purple) Comfy Chair and (purple) Comfy Couch

4:54 PM
New Decorations Released! (teal) Couch and (teal) Comfy Chair.

4:54 PM
New Race Pro Shop Items Released! (yellow), (blue), (teal) and (purple) Butterflye Wings.

Make your (fluff) fly with the flyes with these electric blue wings. 1100 Race Points.
All items are available in the Race Pro Shop.
5:10 PM
New Decorations Released! Pink and Blue Rose

5:05 PM
Yummee Bears Released! (red) and (yellow)

5:19 PM
New Decoration Extra and Decofoods Released! Instant Stars, Peppermint Log and Rice Bowl.

Add some SHAZAM! to your habitat with our new habitat extra, Instant Stars. Also, we've expanded our decofood collection to include the Rice Bowl and the Peppermint Log. Enjoy!

5:16 PM
June 2009 Golden Bonuses Released! Meerkat, (sea) Turtle, Fawn, Panther and Beagle.

(sea) Turtle is a chilled-out cruiser by day, masked ninja warrior by night. He’s the ultimate (fluff) enigma. Nobody knows about his secret skills, so they often do a lot of smack-talkin’ while he smiles smugly at his knowledge of their ineptitude. Despite his wicked-fast nunchuck skills, he still enjoys a lazy day in the water, crusin’ the Australian current.

Panther has always dreamed of being a detective. His mother once showed him a movie about a certain “Pink” counterpart, and from that moment on, a dream was born. However, our dear panther is loud, clumsy and has a list of phobias that fill an entire (fluffy) medical book, so going on quests is pretty much out of the picture. Instead, he lays around his messy den, hoping the germs on the walls don’t attack him.

Meerkat is a food snob. While most other meerkats are content to forage for various omnivorous cuisine, (fluff) meerkat will travel far and wide to find the best of the best. He is particularly fond of the (pink) Hippo, who shares his love of all things foody. When he’s not digging tunnels and scouring for new treats, he spends time on the couch in (pink) Hippo’s house watching the Food Network.

Fawn is a prim, proper, by-the-book, my-way-or-the-highway (which can prove to be fatal for others of her breed), yackety yack don’t talk back (fluff). She rules the forest and has often been known to scare a hunter or two. She’s fast, furious and tenacious. She almost always gets her way. She’s not the friendliest of (fluffs), but her presence in any terrain is tangible, and those who don’t like her are usually just jealous, because… well, that’s what she thinks, anyway.

Beagle is one hyper pup. He’s always getting into trouble on account of the fact that he can’t sit still more than 13.4 seconds. Really. We’ve timed it. 13.4 is the record. Anyway, he finds himself oddly drawn to those who carry blue blankets and play miniature grand pianos and is always on the hunt for (fluffs) wearing yellow shirts with black zig-zags. Few and far between, they are.