(caramel) Camel (caramel) Camel loves wandering the desert in search of water and other desert-dwelling (fluffy) friends. He is pals with Iguana and together they bask in the sun discussing things like ancient Egypt and whether or not Cleopatra was really all that or just another chick in a wig. His hobbies include deep-sea fishing and putting out forest fires.

(teacup) Yorkie
(teacup) Yorkie is a *tiny* little (fluff) who is often able to dart around doing mischievous things like play with dust bunnies and nibble bits of food from the floor. He has a teeny tiny bell to go with his teeny tiny body and if not for his bell, (angora) bunnee would SPLAT him, which would be an unfortunate event. He is sweet and cheerful and ohhh so lovable. Adopt his cute little teacuppy self.

Sloth…is…slow…and…he…likes…to…sleep…all…day…and…night….and…day….and…night. He…sometimes…gets…up…to…play…but…it…usually…results…in…falling…back…asleep... Maybe…if…he…could…find…a…job…or…a…hobby…this…might…change…but…for…now…he…sleeps.

****(fluff)Scriber Bonus****
Chinchilla is a pleasant, fast (fluff) who does not appreciate being compared to rats and other rodents. She is much cuter and much pleasanter and much faster, and therefore should be compared more to bunnees and kangaroos and (fluffs) of that nature. She enjoys nom-noming raisins and nuts and loves her exercise wheel and the open air.
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