Special Surprise! Mega Mini (pink) Elefants for ALL!

It's Valentine's Day! As a special gift from the (fluff)friends team, EVERYONE has been given a free Mega Mini (pink) Elefant! We hope that she touches your heart and brightens your day.


Rana Verde said...

Hi! thanks for the MM pink elefant!!! it is soooo cute!
I have a question... is there also a MINI PINK ELEFANT? there is one available in the wishlist and would love to know how to buy/get one :) thanks!

faerietales said...

I have seen them in others fluff books but where do i get one? its said to be given and i have opened my valentine's box but there isnt one there. Would love to get one if anyone wants to trade!

Rana Verde said...

Hi faerietales! The MM Pink Elefant will appear in your inventory once you opened your valentine's box, even if it doesn't show inside the box. Go to the fluff editor and it should be under MegaMinis :)

Candy Coated Heart said...

Hi I was away from fluff. I didn't have a Valentine's box. Does it mean that I don't get one pink Elephant since the Valentine's box is missing? :*(